Copyright(c) Taru Karttunen, 2014
Safe HaskellNone




Low-level primitives for Diagrams Cairo raster support.


High-level API

cairoRaster ∷ (Int → Int → CairoColor) → Int → Int → IO (Diagram Cairo R2) Source

Create an image "from scratch" by specifying the pixel data.

cairoLoadImage ∷ FilePath → IO (Diagram Cairo R2) Source

Load an image for Cairo (JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF ...). The image is loaded once and which can be useful for e.g. tiles.


type CairoColor = Word32 Source

An ARGB color as understood by Cairo. Cairo colors are with pre-multiplied alpha in a native endian format with the bytes from low to high: blue, green, red and alpha.

crgb ∷ Integral a ⇒ a → a → a → CairoColor Source

Construct a CairoColor from red, green and blue between [0 .. 255].

crgba ∷ Integral a ⇒ a → a → a → a → CairoColor Source

Construct a CairoColor from non-premultiplied red, green, blue and alpha between [0 .. 255]. Non-premultiplied colors means that translucent red is crgba 255 0 0 127.

crgbap ∷ Integral a ⇒ a → a → a → a → CairoColor Source

Construct a CairoColor from already premultiplied red, green, blue and alpha between [0 .. min alpha 255]. Premultiplied colors means that translucent red is crgbap 127 0 0 127.

Low-level API

data CairoSurface Source

Wrap Cairo surfaces for native images so they are Typeable.


CairoSurface !Surface 


Typeable ★ CairoSurface 
Renderable (DImage (Native CairoSurface)) Cairo 

dynamicImageToCairo ∷ DynamicImage → IO (Diagram Cairo R2) Source

Convert a JuicyPixel DynamicImage into a Diagrams Cairo image.

cairoBitmapArray ∷ Int → Int → IO (Surface, SurfaceData Int CairoColor, Int, Int → Int → Int) Source

Create a new surface and array for drawing image data and feeding into cairoSurfaceImage. Takes bitmap width and height as parameters. The return values are: Surface is for feeding cairoSurfaceImage. 'SurfaceData Int CairoColor' is an MArray instance referencing the image data in the surface. The image is in the format Cairo expects, which means there may be gaps inside it. The third result is Stride expressed in 32-bit words. The last result is a function mapping x and y coordinates to coordinates in the array.

cairoSurfaceImage ∷ Surface → Int → Int → IO (DImage (Native CairoSurface)) Source

Create an Diagrams image from a Cairo image surface and from width and height in pixels.